网赌平台目前使用多种因素,包括, but not limited to, high school GPA/course grades, GED content scores, ACT/SAT scores, ACCUPLACER™ scores, and DANTES scores for course placement. 获取有关课程安排的指导以及有关多种因素的更多信息, contact Faith Moody at fmoody@akingdum.net.

6月12日,堪萨斯城堪萨斯董事会通过了强制性评估和强制性安置, 2001. 在过去24个月内参加过ACT或SAT考试的大网赌平台,如果阅读和英语成绩达到ACT 23/SAT 575或以上,可以免除阅读和写作的分班评估. 在过去24个月内参加过ACT或SAT考试的大网赌平台,如果数学成绩达到ACT 23/SAT 575或以上,可以免除数学分班评估.
网赌平台成功顾问使用分班分数为所有网赌平台提供建议. 分班包括三个测试:阅读、写作和数学. ESOL Placement tests are given when TESOL scores warrant. Placement scores become part of each student record.


每一个第一次上大学的网赌平台都要参加必要的分班评估. 第一次上大学的网赌平台包括在校上课的网赌平台, online, at Pioneer Career Center, at the Technical Education Center, 并通过高中合作/双重和同步招生计划. 豁免参加分班考试的个人有:

  • Enrolling only in Wellness.
  • 只参加运动科学课程中的一门体育活动课程.
  • Enrolling only in contract agreement with KCKCC.
  • 已取得两年制或以上学位,并修读认可专上院校的数学及英语课程.

网赌平台使用多种因素作为安置评估过程的一部分. Multiple factors include ACCUPLACER placement scores, ACT/SAT scores, high school GPA/course grades, and DANTES scores. 如果您对多种因素有疑问,请拨打913-288-7171联系安置测试.

Placement Based On ACCUPLACER Next GenerationExam


200-226 继续教育提供的成人教育入学.
227-241 Enrollment in READ0091 or INRW0099 is required. (注册INRW的网赌平台需要同时注册ENGL0101.) 

网赌平台必须从阅读测试成绩低于255分的网赌平台的批准课程列表中选择课程 . 他们的注册学时不得超过12个学时(夏季为6个学时)。. 
242-254 Enrollment in READ0092 or INRW0099 is required. (注册INRW的网赌平台需要同时注册ENGL0101.) 

虽然我们鼓励网赌平台从阅读测试分数低于255分的网赌平台认可的课程列表中选择课程,但并不要求他们这样做. 网赌平台注册学时不得超过12学时(夏季6学时)。.
255-300 College level and above. No reading class is required.


200-226 继续教育提供的成人教育入学.
227-254 需要注册ENGL0099(预写作)或INRW0099. 参加了英语0099课程的网赌平台现在可能不参加作文一课程. 注册INRW的网赌平台需要同时注册ENGL0101.
255-300 If reading test score is below 255, 网赌平台必须参加作文预修课程,此时不得参加作文一课程.



200-219 MATH0097,Math Essentials, with Reading score of 240+ 
220-249 MATH0099 Elementary Algebra, with Reading score of 240+
250-262 MATH0104中级代数(260-262 MATH0105可以采取)
263-300 网赌平台可以选修任何数学课程,前提是满足该课程的所有额外先决条件. 


Health Professions:
ALHT 0104 Nursing Assistant (Score of 227+ or HS GPA 2.最近的英语课程成绩为C或C以上)
EMTC 0105 Emergency Medical Responder (Score of 242+ required)
EMTC0128 EMT Accelerated (Score of 242+ required)
EXSC0108 Bowling (no testing needed)
EXSC0115 First Aid (no testing needed)
EXSC0143 重量训练-体能训练(无需测试)
EXSC0148-151 Wellness and Fitness Center(no testing needed)
EXSC0201 体育与运动科学导论(要求成绩227分以上)
EXSC0210 Sports Officiating (Score of 227+ required)
EXSC0290 Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (no testing needed)
FRSC0100 Firefighter I (Score of 242+ required)
FRSC0211 Firefighter II (Score of 242+ required)
HZMT0120 有害物质意识和操作(要求242分) 
BUSN0100 Introduction to Accounting (Score of 227+ required)
BUSN0290 Motivational Dynamics (Score of 227+ required)
BUSN1151 Basic Keyboarding (Score of 227+ required)
BUSN1153 Speedbuilding I (Score of 227+ required)
BUSN1163 Speedbuilding II (Score of 227+ required)
DIGI 0115 Beginning Photoshop (Score of 227+ required)
DIGI 0116 Intermediate PhotoShop (Score of 227+ required)
DIGI 0117 Advanced Photoshop (Score of 227+ required)
DIGI 0174 Beginning Illustrator (Score of 227+ required)
DIGI 0175 Advanced Illustrator (Score of 227+ required)
DIGI 0176 平面设计:多媒体与网络I(要求分数227+)
DIGI 0177 平面设计:多媒体和网络II(要求分数227+)
FNAR 0111 Drawing I (no testing needed)
FNA R0121 Painting I (no testing needed)
FNAR 0151 Sculpture I (no testing needed)
FNAR 0161 Ceramics I (no testing needed)
HIST0211 Contemporary Issues (Score of 227+ required)
MUSC0110 Music Fundamentals
THTR0105 Introduction to Acting (Score of 227+ required)
THTR0110 Improvisation (Score of 227+ required)
HUMN0150 妇女研究概论(要求成绩227分以上)
HUMN0151 Men and Masculinities (Score of 227+ required)
CIST0100 Introduction to the Internet (Score of 227+ required)
CIST0101 计算机概念与应用(要求分数227分以上)
CIST0111 微机商业软件(要求227分以上)
CIST0117 局域网(有计算机经验)(要求分数227+)
CIST0137 HTML: Web Page Development (Score of 227+ required)
CIST0166 微型计算机应用I(电子数据表)(要求分数227+)
MATH0097 Math Essentials (Score of 227+ required)
MATH0099 Elementary Algebra (Score of 227+ required)

With appropriate math score (Score of 227+ required)

Social Science:
ECED0150 Health, Safety, Nutrition (Score of 227+ required)
PSYC0112 个人适应心理学(要求227分以上)

Adult Education



  • ACCUPLACER ESL Reading Proficiency score between 1 & 56
  • ACCUPLACER ESL Language Use Proficiency score between 1 & 54
  • ACCUPLACER ESL句子意义熟练得分在1分之间 & 60
  • ACCUPLACER ESL Listening Proficiency score between 1 & 49